Send a message today to support wilderness to local and state decision-makers!
⇒ Please copy and paste the message below into your e-mail program or your word processor, and edit it into your own words! See addresses below, or click here to e-mail your own Congressman.
Re: Protect Sequoia Wilderness
I wish to strongly support preserving some of the pristine roadless areas within the Sequoia National Park and Sequoia National Forest that are still wild, but unprotected. Please support wilderness designation to protect these areas!
In particular I believe that preserving the Black Mountain/Slate Mountain Roadless areas would benefit tourism and our local economy. I also support designation of wilderness additions to the Golden Trout Wilderness (including the Dennison Pk, Moses, Rincon, Freeman Creek, Monache Meadows), Domelands Wilderness, and the Kern River Wildlands. We also need Wilderness protection for the roadless areas in Sequoia National Park.
These potential wilderness areas will bring tourists, hikers, horseback riders, and campers to the new Sequoia National Monument for a major portion of the year. In the summer season, these visitors are especially important to our economy. I ask you to support protecting these roadless areas by federal wilderness legislation. These areas are deserving gifts to pass on to future generations in their wild condition.
Please send a letter of support similar to the above sample (best to use your own words!) to your local city council members, county board of supervisors, and to the following:
1.) Your Congressional Representative
Washington, DC 20515
2.) Senator Barbara Boxer (Senator Boxer is no longer in the Senate)
112 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-3553
3.) Senator Diane Feinstein
331 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
And a copy to us at:
Sequoia Wild Heritage Project
P.O. Box 3543
Visalia, CA 93278
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